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Old 2004-02-22, 03:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
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Strygun's Avatar
Relay for Life / American Cancer Society

Hey guys,

I'm gonna get serious here for a second. February 6th I lost a very close friend of mine to breast cancer. She was diagnosed 2 years ago and the doctors only said she'd live for 6 months. She died one week after her daugther's 2nd birthday. (More information about Cissy Swaim: )

If you don't know what relay for life / american cancer society is, here's a short and sweet explanation. The American Cancer Society is an organization that raises money to fund and research finding a cure for cancer. Every year, they have an event called Relay for Life where many people get together and have a quasi- walk-a-thon. Each team that signs up for the relay is asked to get donations from sponsors to donate to the funding of research.

Here's where you guys come in. (I'm not sure I'll get anything, but I'm asking anyway.) If you would like to donate money towards the funding of research to find a cure for cancer, PLEASE click the button below. I really appreciate any money donated. All money goes towards the research. None of it goes anywhere else.

Please, if you are blessed enough to have money to give, give it for a good cause such as this.

American Cancer Society:
Relay for Life:

This fundraiser is not associated with PSU in any way. PSU is not liable or responsible for anything related to Relay for Life or the American Cancer Society.
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