This was recently brought to my attention. I am curious from the NC players on Markov who they think are good leaders (CR5 only). I realize there are few CR5s that lead whole battle on conts. But if you think anyone is worthy of recognition over most other CR5s, please post their names below. And I dont mean just because they can use an OS good, or because they say things like "get that gen up" or "enemy at (base)" every now and then... I mean those who really lead, set out plans, work with players on the field, etc. If someone's name has already been posted, feel free to post it again to say you like that person.
Also, I'm not one to brag or take glory, but many do say I am a very good leader. Many people follow my lead on battles, contact me during fights for help or to give a sit-rep, etc. A lot of NC ppl like to be where I'm leading too. So I'd like any feedback on my own leading as well... if u have any to say.
Cmdr. JumpDog
Orbital Drop Shock Troopers
"Feet First Into Hell"
NC , Markov
My PS Dog Tags!