The jackhammer degredation
Now i have been playing this game for eight months and over time i have noticed the jackhammer getting crapier and crapier. Now i know ill get flamed from the other empires for this but i think the devs should stop doing so much to the weapons. The jackhammer blows now and I think it needs just a little more power. Not so much thats its unfair cause as much as I would like to plow through everyone, it wouldnt be as much fun. But i mean come on what is up with the total and complete destruction of the jackhammer. And i KNOW FOR A FACT i am goin to get flammed and bitched at for this and please dont PM me for saying this but you VS and TR need to stop bitching at us and eachother also. We all have our pluses and minuses and for us it WAS the jackhammer but now its only the vangaurd(and the phoenix maybe). But any posts flames or disgrunteled empires please post.