I think it�s time for a new set of vehicle skins. Some of the vehicles look pretty bland and some look too similar between empires. In particular are the VS and NC common pool Reavers, Mosquitoes, and Lightning Tanks. They are hard to distinguish at medium to longer ranges because their colorations are too similar. The TR skins are easily distinguishable at these ranges.
I�d like to see some type of cool camouflage patterning to the skins. The TR could have the typical blotch style camouflage pattern in black and bright red. The NC could get that wicked looking tiger stripe pattern with blue and bright yellow. The VS could get an alien looking camouflage pattern of purple and teal.
Not only would this look really cool, but would give a more unique appearance to the common pool vehicles. Also, this would be an easy thing to accomplish in terms of design and implementation. Skinning with a pattern design like camouflage is easy so this would not waste much of the artist�s time to complete.