Sure, it seems like a relatively minor thing overall, but it does make a big difference.
VS and NC reavers are both grey. On a continent where there's a dark sky (like Hossin), a Reaver against the sky is near impossible to identify without getting close, which is a bad thing. Same thing with Lightnings. When you're doing an attack run for instance, you don't always have time to get close, do an overflight and they just know you're coming. A lot of friendly fire has gone on simply because they didn't think to make the skins more different. Again, you can't blame a Lightning for opening up on an unknown reaver...let it get close and you'll get a rocket spam in no time flat.
TR aircraft and tanks however, stick out like sore thumbs. Any enemy soldier can readily identify them and engage at maximum range. Not exactly a fair situation.
BadAsh is right, the models already exist, all they're really changing is the graphics that go over that model. It's slightly beyond chaging a text file, but not to the point where they will need to devote massive resources to it. There might not even be a single code change required.
The art team *is* a part of the devs, but the ones that everyone is concerned with (bug fixes, optimizations, etc.) are PROGRAMMERS, which are generally a separate category from the ARTISTS. They both have knowledge of the other's realm of expertise, but not enough to really make an impact (in general).
They do need to do *something* to make all the empire vehicles readily distinguishable at a glance at the maximum draw distance. That, or reskin the TR so they don't stick out anymore.