Bah, they've already made GTA: San Andreas. Remember? It was one of the cities you could explore in one of the first GTA. Same with Liberty City and Vice City, they're just recreating them in 3D.
First, duh. Anyone who has played the GTA games from the begginning, and a fair number of people who didn't, already knew where the thrid one would take place as soon as Vice City came out.
Second, not quite. VC took place in the early 80s which it didn't in the original. If this one takes place in the Vietnam era (no idea if it does, haven't really paid attention to it) then again, this would be different.
And actually I kina agree with Vic. My PS2 is over 2 years old, has been smoked around too much and has issues playing anything. So unless I get a new one, I've learned that spending $50 on a game is more frustration then it's worth.
I just rememberd something. Someone once told me if you have a first gen machine you could send it in to replace it, any truth to that?