I saw the POTD and it reminded me of people talking about tracers. Then an idea struck me. Why not make the guns with tracers only have tracer in the dark. Assuming theres enough dark at night in the game now. What they want to be guns with more prominent tracers can have there tracers start becoming visible with a less significant light change(lets say 8:00 compared to 11:00. or 6:00 for really noticable guns durring half the year.IE daylight savings time.) and others could begin to gain tracers later at night when its darker. And all guns could have tracers permanently from 12:00 to 6:00 in the morning. The time of day could be based on the real time of the servers base time zone. This would add daytime strategies and nighttime strategies and give people like snipers times when they may want to use there guns more(if there avoiding people seeing them) at night they could then switch to tactics based on poeple finding them purposely, like CE, making it in combo with the dark, and hopely not being able to see the CE stuff as easily in dark(despite having flora on or off), alot more fun and diverse.
This idea should involve adding Deep darkness at night if it doesnt already exist.
This could add alot of diversity to outfit designs. If people start making fully night time outfits based on nighttime tactics the game could gain constant play at all times of night making the game alot more fun. They would ahve to obviously add some more elements to night time and day time then ive mentioned. but once theyve added enough diversity of elements to each......
What do you think?
Last edited by Ait'al; 2004-03-10 at 12:51 AM.