I run Planetside on a Atari 2600 And that Other Paddle is Surge'n to the Ball and I always loose it's always warp'n. And Besides most of you that are bitter about Surge call'n it a exploit are just victims by it. Sure I see the Warping go on but it's Due to the Bunny Hopp'n not the Surge it'self. Out of the whole time I've played planetside i've amassed a good 13k kills (respectable) but I've only been accused of Hack'n twice "today" by a vs I killed @ cetan while hew as snipe'n and I bailed on the roof, and raindog666 (He accuses every1). Even if your surge you still need to have good enough reaction time to fire and dodge. Most Surgiles aren't n00bs, but i do pitty you all if you atleast haven't tried it "once"
You last visited: 03-18-2005 at 01:50 PM - lol time flies