Originally Posted by Spee
So...When did Bethesda Softworks take over production of PlanetSide?
Ok...firstly, just to establish, from
Main Entry: cal�de�ra
Pronunciation: kal-'der-&, kol-, -'dir-
Function: noun
Etymology: Spanish, literally, caldron, from Late Latin caldaria -- more at CAULDRON
: a volcanic crater that has a diameter many times that of the vent and is formed by collapse of the central part of a volcano or by explosions of extraordinary violence
Since there is lava in the aforementioned area of Searhus, it is obviously volcanic in nature. In addition, being as that there is only ONE caldera on all of Auraxis, referring to it as the Caldera (i.e. - a proper noun) is correct grammar. Had I been referring to a town on a Vvardenfell, I would have simply said "spawned at the tower in the north of Caldera" since in this case, the proper noun is a name instead of a place.
If you're going to be a troll and attempt to be a grammar/spelling nazi and/or a smartass, at least do it right.
Nice reference though.