Evil Virused Brazilian Spam E-mails
I keep on recieving Evil Virused Brazilian Spam E-mails (henceforth refered to as EVBSE). They are being sent by various addresses. They ususally tout either porn, something to buy, or just 'Click here to see the webcam'. I have recieved everything from Save the Children fund to porn. For months, I have been recieving one or two daily.
However, all this month, EVERY SINGLE EVBSE HAS HAD A VIRUS! They all link to either .exe or .vrs.scr (sp?) files. One auto-opened, Norton caught it. I was trying to delete another with it auto opened, prompting me whether I wanted to download the .vrs.scr. I did not, ran Norton, found, and deleted PWSteal.Tarno.C.
Is there anything I can do to stop these e-mails?
The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.