Former full time cloaker here... since the rexo buff, interlink's, AND my side arm being visible due to some bug I'm temp. retired.
The infls do need some loving. The amp is indeed a fine weapon and i dont mind the visablility, but when everyone and their mothers brothers uncles sisters daughter wears rexo, that amp just aint cuttin it.
Ive posted plenty of times on here before about the purpose of an infltrator, while they have no buisness rushing into a tower battle, they do have a purpose to kill not just "infiltrate". Working the sidelines and picking off straglers is a big part of an infils job and as it is now the game just makes that very difficult.
Granted, i took the rexo buff, interlink, and mis-balenced cloaking visability just as added chalenges, but when my side arm is visable plain as day to any joe shmoe, its just too much.