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Old 2004-04-18, 12:33 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Spee's Avatar
D&D folks only, as usual...

Alright. Im about ready to start my campaign, and I need some help balancing. People who dont know D&D rules and such need not reply, unless it is filled with funnay.

Ive got it set up so that the normal enemy they encounter, an orc sentry, is a level 12 ranger. The party members being a group of level 13 individuals, I believe they can handle this, but it will be quite difficult.

Since I want to encourage the rogues participation in melee combat, I have given the sentrys and AC of 26. 8 of which comes from Dexterity bonuses. Since rogues ignore dexterity bonuses to AC while sneak-attacking, in addition to the fact that sneak attack, for him, does 7d6, I figured it was a nice niche for him, if he figures it out. In addition, since the sentry has such a high dexterity, he was eligible for Greater two-weapon fighting, making him capable of 6 attacks a turn. With a 1d6 weapon, and a 3+ STR modifier, hes capable of doing quite a bit of damage.

The eyes of Gruumsh, the "bosses" of this campaign, have a STUPID high AC, but is extremely slow. The normal attack does 1d10 damage per swing, and since he has a strength bonus of 8, with his 3 attacks, he has the potential to do 54 damage a turn, which is pretty much more than 50% of any characters health, aside from the fighter, and its REALLY close to 50% with him.

To compensate for the insane difficulty presented by the incredible strength, I gave the eye, due to him being one-eyed, a really low base ATK bonus. I beleive its about 15/10/5. Not too sure - I lost the char sheet.

Now, Ill give you some bare-bones stats on the PC's

Fighter - HP: 113
AC: 30
Base ATK Bonus: 26/21/16 (only three attacks cause I feel mean)

Rogue - HP:58
BAB: 10/5, Ranged BAB: 13/10
He totes some poison that does a possible 4d6 con damage if the victim doesnt make a high enough DC.

The Cleric is a jerk, and I dont need to worry about balancing someone who doesnt fight.

Ranger - HP: 78
AC: 21
BAB: 22/17/12/7/2
Damaged reduction: 5/1

Yes, I DO realize I have no life. Shut up
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