When does Political Debate go too far? Rules for debate - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2003-01-30, 03:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
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When does Political Debate go too far? Rules for debate

The whole Reason there are such debates here, atm is because we are all waiitng for Beta Announcements... We all are edgy over the war that may occur... lots of things out there to take our minds off of the fact we cant play/hear about others testing/PS aint live yet...

So the question is, when do these debates to pass the time (Which I fully belive will go away for the most part AFTER the game goes live) go too far?

Is any smack talk unnacceptable? Are we allowed to get a little annoyed? Is any of it healthy or useful? Most of us are set in our views, and for many, even when confronted with cold hard facts, will not change our views, being the stubborn fools we are.

So I ask, is it worth it?

I for one say YES. as long as we can all abide by the following rules, and I ask EVERYONE that gets into a political debate here, to follow them and to state here that you will abide by them:

1: Keep the personal flames to a MINIMUM

2: Don't spam stupid posts inside a political thread

3: Back up your statements with FACTS, and referneces. Preffereablly NON-PARTISAN websites/Sources

4: Be big enough to admit when someone proves you wrong... if it happens, be man (or woman) enough to say "Hey, you're right.. thats how it is.. I don't like it, but thats that"

5: Be Civil (a little smack talk.. its gonna happen, but be ready to catch hell if you go off on someone)

These rules apply to all.

Signed : {BOHICA}Mr.Vicchio
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