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Old 2004-04-27, 05:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Ait'al's Avatar
Xp for medics etc.

Could they do something simple like give 1/5 or 1/10 the healing amount of xp to medics and people who heal others armors and heal vehicles and base stuff. They would just have to add a simple system to count what it already keeps track of to anyone who uses there healing or repair succesfully on the mode to heal others. Obviously you dont add it to the self repair heal stuff or even to your own vehicles. They could also just have it check any vehicles are not under your own ownership or maybe not a sqaud or platoon members. That little amount of xp would be nice for full time medics. And maybe later a stat for medics on how many revives and points healed like troops have hacks and kills. And a little xp per revive as well. And as a said for CE users who heal base stuff as well. The one or two points of xp per heal wouldnt mean anything for non full time medics etc(unless your a low lv character which could get more people to consider medics like they do resuplying ntus at low lv.) but could mean the world to full time dedicated medics or engineers/combat engineer users aimed at support. And hopefully make it more available and maybe boost its use and allow tactics to sway more around its common use over respawning and zergs.

Last edited by Ait'al; 2004-04-27 at 05:19 AM.
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