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Old 2004-05-26, 01:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
versatile vanu?

i have posted this on the PS forums and they cant seem to understand what i am trying to say... so i am hopeing you guys have an iq over 75 and wiil pu 2 and 2 together.

the vanu dont seem vary versatile to at the moment. they are versatile in many way that is true i know this, our vechs can hover but thats only in a limeted area of the world. being versatile means the ablility to change ones self to adapt tothe world around you. some vanu weapons and vechs do this and some dont. example the lancer is not vary versatile but the pulser is. some weapons are not versatile in the right way... like the beamer can go into AP mode but why would a pistol be firing as a vech... makes no sence.

i am asking for the devs to make the VS more versatile in new content. (ex: the other factions get a morter while the lancer has a morter mode to alow the lancer to be more versatile) i want an over time change. this would cut down on time to get patches out and the time to make the third weapon. so more or less this is hiting two birds with one stone... adding new content while adding to the ideals of the faction.

this is to say that the VS cant have a weapon thats still made for job on the battle feild but it would fit better if they gave a weapon already ingame the ablility, if all goes right the VS pop will not mater as one man can do 4 mens jobs on the other empires.

plz tell what you think... and to triterate a know that the VS are versatile as is but they can the improved.
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