IRC Russian Roulette - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2004-06-19, 01:16 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Marsman's Avatar
IRC Russian Roulette

<%Starbum> I'm going to play the russian-roulette /quit game!
<%Starbum> /quit
< AztecWarrior> Ooh...
< AztecWarrior> How do you play Starbum?
<%Starbum> Isnt it obvious?
<@PSU-Marsman> /quit
< AztecWarrior> ...not really. I know Russian Roulette but not its application.
<@PSU-Marsman> phew!
* AztecWarrior ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Watch out for snakes!)
<%Starbum> ...
<%Starbum> rofl
<@PSU-Marsman> roffles
< Viper> um...o
<%Starbum> awesome
* AztecWarrior ([email protected]) has joined #mobilization
<@PSU-Marsman> I usually don't paticipate in those but
<%Starbum> You lost!
< AztecWarrior> I hare you.
< AztecWarrior> DAMNIT
< AztecWarrior> I *hate* you.
* AztecWarrior ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Watch out for snakes!)
< Viper> how cold you possibly win
< Viper> ?
<%Starbum> ROFL
<%Starbum> roflmao
* @PSU-Marsman holds his sides
<%Starbum> Easy, I can win
<%Starbum> /quit
<%Starbum> see?
< Viper> how are you doing that??
<@PSU-Marsman> let me take another stab at it
<%Starbum> Its a bot program
<@PSU-Marsman> /quit
<%Starbum> It randomizes who really quits
<@PSU-Marsman> I win! wheeee
<%Starbum> I turned on the app so the game is still running
* Viper ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Squeekys back, Bob is is good!)
<%Starbum> YES!
* Viper ([email protected]) has joined #mobilization
<@PSU-Marsman> hahahahaha
< Viper> gah!
<%Starbum> letme try again
* %Starbum ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: <Hamma|Work> Im bringing some hemiroid creme)
* Viper ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Squeekys back, Bob is is good!)
* Viper ([email protected]) has joined #mobilization
* Starbum ([email protected]) has joined #mobilization
* ChanServ sets mode: +h Starbum
<%Starbum> damn
<%Starbum> Another round?
<%Starbum> /quit
* Viper ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Squeekys back, Bob is is good!)
* Viper ([email protected]) has joined #mobilization
<%Starbum> BAAAHAHAH
< Viper> gah
<%Starbum> You lost again
* Viper ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Squeekys back, Bob is is good!)
* Viper ([email protected]) has joined #mobilization
< Viper> wtf
<%Starbum> Alright, Im turning it off
< Viper> why do i keep losing...
<%Starbum> ^quitgame off
<%Starbum> that was fun
< Viper> not really
<%Starbum> Better luck next time
<%Starbum> I'd suggest not playing the real russian roulette
< Viper>
< Ivan> lol
Marsman is offline  
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