6/18-19/04 TR Emerald: Solsar HFS. - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2004-06-19, 01:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Major General
Indecisive's Avatar
6/18-19/04 TR Emerald: Solsar HFS.

So, I just came from an awesome battle, and I am shocked. I have completly changed my prespective on the TR.

First off, I tryed Uni-Max, sheerly for comdic value. Granted, I would have done better if my max was vs or nc, but, I was in shock when I was accually killing people with all of them. Pounder is crap, but still, all my max's did help.

Well, going on, the VS blew the tubes and gens up at the northern most bio lab. We were forced to retreat further south. We pushed back up. Someone was able to get the tubes AND gens up. This was all with about 3 minutes left till the hack went through.

All of the sudden, we had around 50 guys spawning at our base. The CC was held by 2 squads or more with vanu. I grabbed a max, and dashed passed them all, purely as a diversonary tactic, for I had a squad or more of people behind me.

I dashed past all the vanu, and got apx half of a squad on me, I ran into the cc, got one guy, and died.

With 30 seconds left on the clock.

Next thing I know, im respawned, none of my max's are ready, so I run around in standard.

I turn the cornor to see the area around the CC completley clear. The last guy in the CC is taken out.

I check the clock.

2 seconds left.

Base has been resecured by the Terran Republic.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Dem Vanu must have been piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiised.

I just came from down south, the Vanu was able to get one base. Me, and another max had dedicated engies in the front door of a tech plant. Another squads worth of infantry was there.


It was exillerating.

Just as I was FINALLY pinned down to the ground by a lancer, we got a hack on their base.

I dont know what happend after that. But holy shit.

Tonight on solsar was pure bliss. I needed it so bad. Now, if you'll excuse me, im off to pick up Uni-MAX on my main.
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