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Old 2004-06-19, 06:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
TekDragon's Avatar
New to the game

So, i just got into PS from the fileplanet offer and I have some questions im hoping people can answer.

I've decided I want to go Vanu because I met some real nice players on Emerald and I noticed there were a fucking TON of newbs on the Terran side.

My questions are:

1. How does the sniper gun work? How many shots does it take to kill? Refire rate? Ammo?

2. Is the lancer a good gun to get? I keep getting killed by reavers and lightnings. Also MAXs. Would the lancer solve my problem?

3. How is the lasher at close, medium, and long range? Is it a TK machine?

Ill add more in a bit. Going into the game now.

Oh yeah, and what vehicle cert should I get if i just want something to get me around? The one that gives me the fury and basilisk? Or the one that gives me the medium assault vehicles?
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