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Old 2004-06-20, 07:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Planetside Ideas for future patches

just a few ideas I got that I wouldn't mind seeing put into the game. Please give you input and maybe Marsman or Hamma will ask about a few of these on the 24th of June ask the devs.

1: Nurf of the Vanu AA max so it doesn't take air down in 2-3 shots.

2: Smoke and Flashbang grenades ( a white screen for a few seconds would work for the flashbang and of course implant reset).

3: Prone position even if just for snipers

4: This one could either be an addition or for elite sniper medal. Gili suits that come with sniper cert or medal that can only be worn when hold not carrying a sniper rifle

5: Small amiunts of EXP for healing and repairing other troops beside your self to increase the number of medic and their support.

6: Cross bones on the mini map so medic can find dead troops easier.

7: Warp gate towers in the caverns for those with out AMS cert and those that die before captureing a cavern base

8: Watch towers that are not respond points just platform through out the conts kind of out in the middle of nowhere for snipers on arriving battles.

9: The ability to import you own logo's for outfits but costs 20,000 outfit points instead of 10,000 for the in game logo's

10: And last but not least, plz bring the night time back into the game and lasts longer than before which I think was like 20 minutes or so, and have it so that the weather last a little longer and effects the game play.

Those are just a few ideas I got and probably other guys might have said it in the past, but i'm not stealing them if you did. Again plz give your imput on these and I will also post them on the offical forums too.

Last edited by XSSCxRaven; 2004-06-21 at 12:21 AM.
XSSCxRaven is offline  
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