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Old 2004-06-29, 05:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
oddfish's Avatar

Well, it's been a while since i've posted on PSU... i missed you sick, sick bastards

anyways, just jumpin' on to see how everyone's summer is going. Mine has been insane so far. Here's the deal:

Okay, i'm currently living with my friend Travis who graduated with some kind of business degree and gets shitloads of money from his dad who's uber-rich and blah blah blah. Anyways, his dad has a beach house in New Smyrna and a big ass house in Heathrow (in Orlando). There's about seven of us living in the beach house and we travel back and forth between there and the house in Heathrow. Anyways, we bought a Jeep Wrangler and turned it into the Beach Eater. We hung surfboard racks on the sides, painted it this wicked yellow color and got a four inch lift kit and big 32 inch tires. (numerous other modifications i won't delve into here.. maybe on IRC) Anyways, me, Travis, and the rest of us have been surfing our asses off for the past few weeks in Clearwater, where his condo resides, in New Smyrna where the beach house resides, and the rest of the time we spend stuck in traffic on I-4. Offshores havn't been too bad and we've caught some big fuckers. We're all going out to Cali in a few months, hooray for that shit. Then i'm leaving Florida for a few years to live out in Cali with my Cousin. Anyways, right now i'm in Ohio spending some time with my family, and then i'm returning to the land of fucking palm trees, crab shacks, sun, and haze.

I've missed everyone here on PSU, and it feels really good to be back on. BTW, ohio weather is fucking weird as ever.

P.S. Me and Annie are taking a break. Too hard trying to maintain long distance shit. It's cool though. I told her if she wanted she could see other guys (though i'm not seeing other girls...regularly) Anyways, i'll probably be on IRC a bit, because i'm in Ohio now (most boring place on earth, but working on cars is fun, so, yeah.)

Much love for everyone here on PSU. hope you guys are having as good a summer as me. Would love to hear about your summers, too, if you so wish to tell.
- The wind beneath your wings

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[20:19] <Phobos> oddfish: Glad to see you, now help me move this dead body.
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