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Old 2004-07-07, 12:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Sergeant Major
Majik's Avatar
Amusing moment in PS last night

Little in game story for you (Emerald server)

Last night the vanu were attempting to take Oshur from the nc. We had taken Zal (bio lab) and that was as far as we had gotten. For an hour the NC beat on the VS trying to get us out of this base. I have never seen the VS more stubborn about giving up a base, made me proud

After the hour of beating on us with ground and air, the NC organized a 3 gal drop to try and get that damn roof gen. The base couldn't have had much more CE in it, so even the roof was covered. This of course couldn't stop 3 gals of troops from taking out the gen. The entire base ran straight into the gen and had it back up in 2 minutes.

The NC did 3 more similar drops, all preceeded by EMP strikes which made all the CE we were doing between them useless. Each time they killed the gen, each time they got bumrushed and we had the gen back up in 2 minutes.

Now the 5th gal drop was my favorite. By this point the VS had gotten ourselves into a rush the gen groove the second we saw the gals overhead. Despite the fact that they just kept EMPing my CE, I kept placing it between drops. When the 5th group dropped from 2 gals this time, they got a BIG surprise. Half a dozen landed right on my mines (KILL SPAM WOOHOO), but one of our CR5s was ready with his OS, which he dropped right on the roof of the gen as they landed (MORE KILL SPAM WOOHOO).
Well between the group that landed right on my CE, and the ones that got OSed, when the VS came rushing onto the roof to get them, they found that not a single NC had survived the landing

For some reason that was the last of the gal drops on that gen
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