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Old 2004-07-08, 05:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Cauldron Borne
Your PlanetSide name!

Ok, I know most people chose their names for planetside for a reason. Only a few people actually chose it at random. So here's your chance to tell us why you picked that name, and what it means.

I'll start: The Cauldron Borne are Irish mythological creatures. To put it simply they are zombies that rise from cauldrons on All Hallows Eve. They are said to be unstoppable. I chose that name because I wanted to instill fear and make the statement that I, too, was unstoppable.

I have three alts that are named from the three brothers that braved the firey furnace in the Bible tale: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

Ok, so your turn. Tell us why you picked yer name and what it means. Was it just to be funny? Does it have a hidden meaning? Were you near drunk and couldn't think of anything else except an alchohol euphamism, but the letters got garbbled while you typed?
CauldronBorne, LiquidForce

SPAM SONG! (Yes, it DOES exist kiddies.)
Cauldron Borne is offline  
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