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Old 2004-07-08, 08:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Advanced Mechanized Assault, AMA

I was schmutzing around on the various threads that people have created explaining their ideas for Planetside and decided to post my own idea, which is the AMA or Advanced Mechanized Assault. An AMA would be a strong outdoor tactical vehicle, to give you a better idea of where I'm coming from think of the Metal Gear from the Metal Gear Solid games. Each empire would of course have it's own AMA, and each AMA would need 3 people to operate effectively. The driver would be positioned in the "head" portion of the vehicle and his comrades could be in other parts depending on the empire, controlling the weapons, not to say the driver wouldn't have control over some sort of dual 20mm's on the nose of the vehicle. AMA's would only be available from either capitols, or if a bio lab, tech plant, and amp station were all connected via lattice, due to the fact that they can turn the tide in a battle. AMA's would also be AV, but have the ability to go AI if necessary. And possible stomp deaths instead of running people over? Heres what i got so far for empire specific AMA's;

Terran Republic- Doomchain
3 Crue Members
Nose mounted 4 barrel chaingun similar to MCG but faster firing rate.
1 side mounted quad dual barrel 20mms requiring gunner
1 side mounted dual striker cannon requiring gunner (poor lock-on capability)

New Conglomerate- Battlehammer
3 Crue Members
Nose mounted 4 barrel shotgun, similar to Jackhammer only much tighter spread (half damage to infantry and maxes, full damage to vehicles)
1 side mounted duel 20mms with magnetic rail secondary fire to allow extreme accuracy from 10m in front of the gun - viewing distance. requires gunner
1 side mounted ultra phoenix, fires only camera guided missiles that pack an EMP blast aswell as do damage. requires gunner

Vanu Soverignty- Novalash
3 Crue Members
Nose mounted dual lashers with larger pods, same lash as lasher, but slower velocity
1 side mounted duel 20mms with quasar-like splash damage projectile as secondary fire that fire 4 at a time. gunner required
1 side mounted tri-lancer that has same fire rate with 3 lancers bolts each shot, aswell as same accuracy with a tad slower projectile speed. requires gunner

Clip sizes vary, depending on what is considered "balanced" after testing. But i am assuming nothing higher then 25 rounds on all guns. These are all rough ideas, so feel free to add comments and suggestions. Sorry if the names are alittle familiar, and i hope i didn't rip this idea off of anyone else, but with my luck i probably did. Good luck, and i hope you like my idea.

Last edited by 0verlord; 2004-07-08 at 09:05 PM.
0verlord is offline  
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