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Old 2004-07-12, 11:44 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Sergeant Major
Majik's Avatar
The fair fight

I found that even in the NC, some honor can be found

I came out of a warpgate in a lightning this weekend and found a Thunderer sitting at the first tower with it's driver. Naturally, I opened up on it. Then as I cruised near him firing I hear "Cease Fire". I was intrigued and stopped shooting.

The driver jumped out of the thunderer, at which point I figured he just wanted to jump into one of the gunners spots to defend himself. I decided I would be mobile with a less powerfull gun, to his stationary with a more powerfull gun, sounds fair, ok. However, he didn't get into the gunners spot, he just moved off to the side so I could destroy the vehicle without him in it. Of course, I could have just turned and blew him away, so that took an act of faith on his part to just stand there.

I looked at him for a minute and decided to just drive away, leaving both driver and vehicle without further damage. Then, about 20 minutes later I was battling to hold control of a tower, and I spawned, ran to the terminal, geared up and when I turned, I found I was facing into an NC about 10 feet away looking right at me.

Well all I saw was NC/jackhammer, so I whipped out my pulsar and started firing, at which point he took me out. As I lay there I saw the name of the player and realized it was the driver I had let live just 20 minutes earlier. At first I was mad that he had spawn camped me when I had let him live, then I thought about it.

Where he was standing he must have had plenty of chance to blow me away from the tube to the terminal, and he never pulled the trigger of his hammer till after I let into him with my pulsar. In essence, he had granted me the same chance at fair fight I had granted him.

Honor among warriors is alive and well in planetside
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