Empire and Clan Affiliation
I and probably some of you are woundering which empire and what clans people are leaning towards or are already a part of. So the point of this thread is to see how many clans for Planetside that are out there, what empire you are going to join up with or are leaning towards, and if you are a part of a clan. Some people, like myself, it's obvious because of my name and sig. I'm part of Clan {BOHICA} and I'm joing up with the New Conglomerate, though my clan is going to play each empire on separate servers, this is still to be decided. Post your clan and empire affiliation so we all know who you are, who your with, and what empire your joining up with. Even if your undecided, post who your leaning towards. So how bout it, who are you joining?
Last edited by CDaws; 2003-02-05 at 09:29 PM.