Disobeying the CR5s Direct orders... and taking a Continent! - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2004-07-17, 04:40 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Talking Disobeying the CR5s Direct orders... and taking a Continent!

Ok, so 22:00 on the 17/7/04 on Werner. I had just joined a small squad, 4 of us in all. We got in a galaxy, and the pilot gated to Searhus and was trying to get to Forseral where most of his platoon was, and where most of the TR were fighting. We waited for adout 10 minutes in the galaxy, then bailed. My crazy squad then decided to try and take a tower on Searhus when the whole continent was completely controlled by the NC and VS. We were the only TR on the whole continent.
We took two towers, one next to the Forseral Warpgate and then the one next to the Sina Dropship Centre, and invited some stray LFS guys. Soon our tower came under attack by VS Reavers and Mosquitos and we held them off for 20, 30 40 minutes. We appeared as a hotspot on the global map, and a few reinforcements appeared. Then the CR5s saw this and wanted them all moved to Ceryshen. They thought that Searhus was impossible to take... it wasn't a good enough target. And then, *ahem* kinda argued with a CR5. I can safely say he was a bit pissed off. However the reinforcements just kept coming, and we managed to hold them all off. Unfortunately I had to leave, but my squad kept going, and if you look at the world map here, for Werner, you will see my story is true, as we have now taken Searhus completely! Anf remember, this was on a Friday night, so there were lots of people around and we weren't just ghosthacking.
So the point of the story is twofold, firstly take the initiative and try starting some battles for yourself, maybe it could start something. Secondly, while the CR5s are important in the game, even they can make tactical errors, or maybe they just might not take a chance.
If anyone has a story like that, let's hear it.
And for my second point, I prepare to get flamed.
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