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Old 2004-07-18, 05:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Major General
Airsoft Skirmish

Went to my first skirmish yesterday, about 45 people showed up and it was great fun. We played CTF and Base Defense. If you remember I have the MP5 Springer they let me borrow an H&K G36C because springers arent good for a CQB Battle. 3 Kills, 4 Deaths.

First game was Base Defense, I had to hold a gap in the perimeter with a guy whos hop up was screwed up and could only fire about 10 feet. When I notice a Sniper with a SIG-1 creeping into the open. I see him crouch down and let go a stream of BBs. Get back up and fire the second burst spraying up and down and get him. Then someone comes to reinforce with an MP5 and takes out a M4 wielding enemy. Then this huge guy with an AUG takes cover and owns both of us. Sent back to respawn and put more BBs in my Hi-Cap mag (very cool because one of the magazines were filled with fake 5.56mm bullets. I go back out and up to the tower and an AK-47 has three of us pinned. One of our snipers moves out and we provide covering fire. After two quick bursts I prepare for a third stand up and I feel about 7 BBs hit my head (they stung) Out again. That gives you some idea of how it was like. Because im too lazy to type the rest of it. One thing to add though, never be near a M203 Grenade when it lands. One landed about 5 feet from me and took out about 5 people. Its basically a pressure triggered grenade that sends 200 BBs flying everywhere. More Pics here.

Lots of fun, if you live anywhere near Airsoft is played. Try it out, loads of fun.
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