How can you possibly say that the NC MAX's suck. Their special ability isn't the best, but it isn't the worst either. I mean, as far as I can tell, the TR MAX's are the ONLY MAX's with a special ability that actually gives them a DISADVANTAGE. (Ok, the VS MAX's suffer a slight CoF bloom, give me a break). NC cannot claim worst of anything.
ScatterCannon: This is the best AI MAX in the game. Hands Down. You don't think so, your'e wrong. Currently (before the MAX Armor upgrade), it is the only MAX with a lower TTK on a rexo than a rexo with a decimator's ttk on a MAX. Also, these MAX's function well against AV (which is absurd).
NC AV MAX (I currently forget what it's called): As of RIGHT NOW, all of the AV MAX's suck the cock. This isn't the best AV MAX (Comet is the best, it can be used as a support Anti-MAX and Anti-Personnel), but it isn't the worst either.
Falcon: While, once again, not the best, it's not the worst either.
JackHammer: You seriously think this is "on par" with the MCG? Remember, the purpose of ALL HA weapons is combat below the range of about 5 meters. So in a duel against an MCG or Lasher, the JackHammer has a lower TTK than either of them, so that means JackHammer wins. The MCG and Lasher have other uses (MCG has a longer range and the Lasher can be used for suppressing), but that's not the true point of Heavy Assault.
Gauss: All of the MA are fairly balanced.
Thunderer: Yeah, right, like I have to say anything.
Vanguard: If you seriously believe this isn't the best tank... well, I don't know what to say.
Enforcer: Lightyears ahead of the other two buggies. Insta-gibs agiles and leaves rexo's with 5 hitpoints.
Pheonix: While the NC can bitch and moan all they want about how "it's ability is useless in actual combat", it serves it's purpose. This is the ONLY weapon which allows the user to fire from COMPLETE cover, and hit targets. Also, the disadvantage of "not being able to be used at close combat" was negated when dumb fire was added. Basically, it's a decimator which you have to reload every shot after.