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Old 2004-07-20, 08:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Cadaverous_Fly's Avatar
Lightbulb Common Pool Machine Gun

When you think about it all the empires even with all their empire specific weaponry have basically most of the same crap. They all have an empire specific assault rifle, they all have an empire specific pistol and knife, and they all have an empire specific anti tank weapon. And while i know that these vary greatly in the field they all serve the same tactical purpose.
However where it differs is in their special weapons. The NC has the Jackhammer (super cool shotgun) the TR has the Chaingun, and the VS has the Lasher or is it the Pulsar i am having a brain fart right now so please forgive me. But anyway in the common pool there is a shotgun (sweeper) and there is a Lasher/Pular equivalent (grenade launcher... sort of or maybe rocklet (Thumper)) However there is no equivalent to a chaingun. One thing that is very important in an army using modern tactics like planetside it to have a heavy long to medium range anti infantry support weapon i.e. a machine gun. So heres my idea what if they put in a common pool machine gun just like one of the 20 mm guns off the galaxy (think M60) and make it serve to purpose of a heavy support weapon while not making the chaingun obsolete. This could be done by beefing out the chaingun a wee bit making it either more accurate or more powerful.
So heres my idea please comment on it and tell me what you think.

Last edited by Cadaverous_Fly; 2004-07-20 at 09:00 PM.
Cadaverous_Fly is offline  
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