/cue soap opera music NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2004-07-23, 10:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Lieutenant General
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/cue soap opera music NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Today, I report to you from my dad's business computer, because my friends, tragedy has struck.
Here's a disaster report of what happened earlier today:

1700: Log on to my computer, fire up Internet Explorer, its down (typical stuff, my network goes down alot). So I open up Battlefield Vietnam. Go to Single Player, open up Operation Irving.
1750: Grab a Huey Gunship, fire up Ride of the Valkiries, and we're off. Approach an enemy position, then some stuttery framerate, no matter, it happens occasionally, so I dive in and waste some bots.
1800: Capped the Artillery position and owned a few more bots with an RPG. Fire some rounds from the cannon, try to find a sweet target.
1810: Head down to the bridge to get some knife kills. As I come within 100 yards of the bridge, the FPS slows to a crawl, no more then 15 FPS.
1811: Pull out a LAW, try to fire, and notice the framerate has slowed to LESS THEN 1 FRAME PER SECOND. (Now just so you know, I can usually run BFVietnam on the top settings, with 64 players and all, while mantaining a FPS of at least 50 or 60).
1813. Then, the game completely freezes. I try every option I can think of, anything to solve the problem without forcefully shutting down. alt tab, ctrl alt delete, nothings working. The computer is behaving like time itself has stopped.
1815: finally, I resort to the unthinkable. I open the computer case, take a deep breath, and push and hold the power button, and she shuts down. I take a moment to catch my breath, then I go lay down on my bed and read PC Gamer for a bit.
1820: I get bored. I decide to turn on my computer, see what went wrong, and fire up some more BF Vietnam.
1821: Computer turns on, I put in the password, Alienware and Pentium logo come up, then the windows loading screen.
1822: Disaster. An error screen appears. saying windows FAILED to start. I take a moment to cry and wimper like a puppy who was just thrown on the freeway. I shut off the computer again. enter password, windows loading screen, same error. This happened at least 5 or 6 times. The options were Start Windows, Start Windows in Safe mode, and thats it. I tried both, and they both did nothing.

I feel like Ive lost a part of myself. Someone, someone please....please just help me...

Last edited by JetRaiden; 2004-07-23 at 10:56 PM.
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