It will not be called "Mobilization Beta".
It will be "Mobilization Bravo".
The one after it will be Charlie, then Delta, then Echo, then Foxtrot, then Golf, then Hotel, then India, then Juliet, then Kilo, then Lima, then Mike, then November, then Oscar, then Papa, then Quebec, then Romeo, then Sierra, then Tango, then Uniform, then Victor, then Whiskey, then XRay, then Yankee, then Zulu.
Anyone who tells you differently is lying.
I'll review these suggestions when Martyr and I plan Bravo. Martyr and I are co-coordinating this event because frankly, it's an arseload of work and I need help! We've already got a brief "sketch" of what we think the event will look like, and we're talking to Sony about it, so we'll keep you guys posted as things get planned.