No-Lose BlackJack Theory - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2004-09-13, 05:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
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No-Lose BlackJack Theory

Yeah, I know, another get rich quick scheme? It'll never work. Here me out.

My friend and I were thinking about BlackJack the other day, and I think we found a way to always make money in BlackJack.

Ok, it's very simple. Let's say you enter a Casino with $1000. You join a BlackJack table, and on the first hand, you bet $10. Let's say you lose. The second hand, you bet $20, double what your first hand was. Let's say you lose again. On the third hand, you double your bet again, but you win. Now, let's look at how much you lost and how much you won.

$1000 - $10 - $20 - $40 + $80 = $1010

So you're up $10. The basis of this theory is to continue doubling your bet until you finally win.

Now, obviously, this theory is operating under the assumption that eventually you'll beat the dealer or the dealer will bust. Also, it doesn't account for splitting or double down. But from what I can tell, as long as you continually double your bet from the last hand, you'll always come out ahead by exactly what your first bet was.

Am I missing an obvious rule here, or would this actually work?
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