I think the prequel should be something like a thumper and a radioactive pile of glop fell in love and had a child and it was the radiator, now while still a young....thing, it got picked on by all the other young things because it wasn't really a thumper or a radioactive pile of glop, then one day it flew away before the wormhole opened and found Auraxis with the help of magical trevor (see
here) and met the vanu and they were all like "With this weapon we could be the leet." and they all agreed one day however the vanu disappeared leaving the newly named Maelstrom behind, then the wormhole opened and down came all those things that had previously shunned him and wanted their help and however instead of taking sides in the growing war he decided to become a mercenary, working for the power that came from the weapons modules that provided him with his much needed.........um I dunno, and then yeah end of the prequel
EDIT: Almost forgot down with punctuation up with the Anti-Disestablishment Committee on Un-American Activities