My letter to G4 TV's X-play, morgan webb is the subject
My Girl Friend turned me on to X-Play, and we are watching the X-Play back to back shows on the 10th of October.
Let me say, love the show, I am almost hooked. Almost, because... who hired Morgan Webb? Why did they hire her? And are you guys trying to annoy your viewers to no end whatsoever?
Look, my Girlfriend is a real life girl gamer. Morgan Webb is... like a little sister that wants to play video games so the boys will think she's cute. I didn't let my little sister touch my systems, and I am not gonna watch someone like that doing a show.
X-Play would be about 10 times more watchable, if you guys found a gal that played games, and didn't have the out look of a "ooh isn't this pretty?" mindless bubble girl attitude.
Gimmie a call when you guys find a real gamer gal and not a show girl who has no business hosting a video game show. She should be on Lifetime talking about nail polish.
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