As a VS CR5 on Emerald I played all weekend long and never saw one global about this exploit. I didn't even know what it was until I read these forums.
What I do know is I've never ever seen the kind of cooperation and planning among the CR5s that happened this weekend. Once a continent was locked, outfits were directed to the next continent where upon defences were placed, AMSes set-up and the wait for the earthquake and meteor shower was begun.
We'd have entire bases covered in mines and spitfires as soon as it went neutral and 3-5 AMSes within the soi of every subcap we needed.
I didn't see that kind of perpartion in the NC or TR when I would drop on one of their recently hacked subcaps.
Its a shame that it appears there was a mechanism that could allow more people on a continent at once, but if you think that every single battle was one because there were more VS on than TR or NC then you are fooling yourself.