Originally Posted by AztecWarrior
Get a V-8.
I prefer cars that don't have go-kart engines and a turbo the size of a Shop-Vac.
Depends what you're doing, a V6 can be just as powerful as a V8 and more economical.
Sure the power comes at higher revs, but with the right knowhow, everything is much cheaper.
Originally Posted by AztecWarrior
Oh, a T-Bird is fine. I'm talking about tiny Japanese cars/Focuses that rely on a combination of the turbocharger, VTEC, and nitrous oxide to go at anything above 6 miles per hour.
Overall, cars like these have more advantages, such as weight and a something like a V6 (which you'll commonly find in smaller cars) is more balanced overall.
Weight can be a big factor in handling, heck, the recent corvettes still use LEAF SPRINGS! Horse and carriage anyone?
Originally Posted by Rbstr
BTW aztec the WRX and LAncer aren't ricers so much as rally cars that are good stock, there like Sedans that go realy fast
yeah, but when people in the US mod them, they lower them for street use, which destroys their rally pedigree
makes me sad