Be Original with your BFR Sigs...
I've seen at least 100 people using the Anti-BFR sig and about 50 more using two different versions of the Pro-BFR sigs.
I'm just wondering if people actually made their own sigs or edited a sig so that almost no one else uses it. I hand-drew my own sig in MSPaint. Only one other person uses it because they stole it. *shakes fist at Netloss*
So, if you got an original BFR sig, make a quick post here. Make me feel like what I made was worth it. And yours too oo course.
FenixStryk, TR
BR 20, CR 3
And you say you're 1337!?
Last edited by FenixStryk4; 2004-10-30 at 02:55 PM.