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Old 2004-11-18, 09:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Sergeant Major
You all cost me $85

So, there I was browsing the forums today and I saw the HL2 stuff. Well, the screenshots looked awesome. Guess I'm gonna have to get the game, I thought.

So I go on with my work day, finish, and go to teach my two college classes. Class wasn't going that great (I wasn't in a good rhythm in my lecture and the class was a little wiped from exams) so I stopped the second class after an hour (instead of 3). I figure, oh I'll get the game and play tonight. I then think about it some more and realize, wife will be in bed early cause the baby was up a lot last night; the baby will be asleep by 8 and exhausted from being up all night; I have nothing to do tonight since WOW is ending.

Yeah, I'm gonna get HL2. Now I'm excited. So I go to Best Buy - no go, its out. Circuit City - out, EB - out. Now, I'm pissed - I want this game more than ever now. Just because I want it and can't get it. I go to GameStop. I must now have this game. I'm a man on a mission goddamn it. I keep thinking about the cool screenshots and I wanna blow some stuff up.

I go into Gamestop and they only have collector's edition - $80. I ask what I get and the guy sorta laughs and says, "a t-shirt". He then says you also get HL and CS with it. I never played those games before so I justify spending the money. I am smart enough however to pay cash so wife doesn't see the spending on the AMEX.

So - if it wasn't for you all, lol, I wouldn't have spent the money.

DLing now, better be good !!!
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