I was just saying, that the colours made me think of a Russian Conscript, remember Red Alert 2? All there units were red and black.. It just stuck in my mind.. I wasn't saying your empire is a bunch of conscripts, I was just saying what they looked like
Another thing, that loyalty thing is a two sided spear, commiting to another cause, in my veiw, could be a act a disloyalty, but to some it would take extreme courage and yearning to be part of another cause.. What I mean, loyalty to a cause, can be different from loyalty to an empire..
(Ok that really didn't make sense to me)
I would have a hard time leaving the Terran Republic. Even though I don't support their veiws I do believe that it would be better to preserve peace than risk an all out war. But with the intervention of the respawn technology, the oppression would increase as to only let the Terran Republic core access it. Subconsciously idea's of freedom would flood my mind, and as with a number of other people and unrest would occur, especially since the ability of permanent death is gone. I along with numerous others, would seek this opertunity to make our idea's open to the world, and risk our lives to spread it, thus spawns the Vanu Sovereignty(?) and the New Conglomerate
ideals. I sided with the New Conglomerate because the Vanu with the Ancient Vanu weapons makes me think of, To much of a good thing is a bad thing...
BTW get it right, as someone said before the NC are Warmongoring Hippies.. jeeze people these days