Here lies my problem.
For the past year of so I've been doing next to nothing... bascily playing video games and being with my girlfriend was the main occupation. Right now I have fallen in a rut I can't seem to get out of, I need to lose some odd 40 pounds* but I'm too lazy to actually do anything about it and I feel less and less love for my girlfriend everyday.
Now this is where I need your help guys, I'm not one to usually go and cry about my problems on the internet but I've been getting along with you guys alot (I think laugh.gif ) and that's about the closest thing I have to real friends since for the last 10 months I've been too involved into my girlfriend to actually take care of my entourage. I need to do something about each of these problems or else I just know I'll sink into some type of despression or another, hell I already hate myself for not doing anything constructive with my life.
I wanna leave my girlfriend but I don't want to hurt her, she's really easy to make cry and it's by the 10th she will have her 1st session done so I can't drop her before that because... that would fuck her up big time. I care about her but not as much as I used to, not enough to keep saying those three words "I love you". She's great and hot but somehow I feel I need something more. What should I do? Call her and just say it's over? Seems kind of harsh... but none the less I need to do something about it and I come to my somewhat elders for help.
The lazyness and working out thing is what bugs me... I know I should excersice and eat better but I have no idea how... no idea what to do to get my into shape and back to how I used to be. Any tips? I have a kung fu subscription but I'm too lazy to get to the damn class... see my problem?
*I'm 170 or so and 5'5 to 5'7 not sure so I'm supposed to weight 125, 150 max)