Guy who was on Pimp My Ride posts his experience on Forum. - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2004-12-06, 06:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Teh Masturbator
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Guy who was on Pimp My Ride posts his experience on Forum.

How the filming worked:

-I applied via email (check their site).
-Went up there for an audition (cam session in the parking lot).
-Called me back saying I made final 5 (out of thousands who email, and at least hundreds who did cam session).
-Mentioned how my car looked too nice on the inside, but they'll "work" w/ me on it. Most cars on the show have had some "work" done for entertainment for the viewers, etc.
-check out my car, paperwork, final 3.
-final auditions (please mtv, pimp my ride)
-After that, producers decide who wins (out of 3 that filmed) - go to house, set up, wait for either X (you win, hoo hoo) or one of the producers show up (too bad, we'll film anyway, and here's a gift certificate to Pep Boys)
-I win, here's a rental for free (2002 Cavalier) - oops, you don't have full coverage, you need to pay for insurance (ended up being around $300-$400)
-Wait a long time, hey we are done
-Filmed reactions for seeing the car (4 b4 actually seeing car, last one real). - well nearly everything was filmed over and over - they only had that chance to get it right, since everything changes after you film (car, etc).
-Priceless experience just doing this and getting to know very very nice ppl at MTV and meeting X!!!

-Days of filming for me: 5 days + lots of driving all over the place
-Days of filming for WCC: 1 month
-Filming rule: no logoed shirts & no advertising nothing cept what they want you to (sorry nico )

Also, if you read the thread, he cant sell his car. He signed a contract.

Pretty cool thread, regardless of whether or not the car is fucking ugly
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