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Old 2004-12-15, 06:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Triggar's Avatar
New Gun!

So, you all know about the problems I was having with the Walther PPK/S.

I didn't feel comfortable concealing it (going for the course tomorrow with Martyr), so we started shopping for a new weapon for me.

I walked into the gun store tonight thinking I was going to leave with a Sig 232. After talking things over with the ex-military Airborne guy, and playing with the Sig to mimic a real-life situation where I'd have to use the gun in a hurry, we decided to explore other options. Mainly because the Sig is, to say the least, very I'll say complicated. Mag release is a catch on the bottom of the gun - small things that'd make it cumbersome in an emergency situation.

Anyway, he recommended a Taurus something-or-other and - get this - a Walther P99. I hated the Taurus immediately and put it down. Now, the Walther P99 - that was a great idea. It's a simple gun that I'm really quite familiar with (if you'd forgotten, it's what John [a.k.a. Martyr] carries). However, I have tiny hands, and if my goal is to have something I'm comfortable concealing, the standard P99 wouldn't do.

So I bought the compact.


I will upload "real" pictures of me with the gun and the two P99's together
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