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Old 2004-12-20, 02:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Welp it finnally happened and now i just want my money back

Well, for better or worse, political debate got locked. Or Hamma'd closed, or Triggar'd shut. (low blow penalty points, bad Doppler no cookie). It was fun while it lasted, and an intresting offshoot of a forum for a game i no longer play (Wrote many many dissertations on why i dont play PS anymore). I guess it kind of hurts so soon after the funding drive where I chipped money into the kitty. It especialy hurts as Vics leaving was the efforts of a small cadre of individuals, who were about as transparent in their efforts as a cinder block, trying to remove him.

More often then not on idealogical grounds i disagreed with Vic and the rest of the political right. But certain other people, ah hell i wont be subtle, mostly Trig and to extent martyr basicly tried to take over the forum, and silence anyone who didnt agree with them. When that didnt work, and Triggar was asked to leave the forum alone mod wise a nice (not so)quiet little bunch of Triggerite zerglings started coming over to Pol debate, include Ob frog, and thats when things really started to cook off.

Bottom line I respect most people on this forum because thats how I operate. But Trig and others lost points in my eyes, it was crap to do, and it got the one place on this board I still post regular closed down. Thanks bunches.

The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.
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