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Old 2004-12-25, 11:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Giovanni's Avatar

Since I was a wee lad my parents played folk music and classical and the sound of violons always fascinated me. Even now, a good Ashley MacIsaac song gives me goosebumps.

With the recent failures in my life I have decided to take a turn for the new and invest towards my future but I still needed something else aside from work and the such.

My mother has given me a voucher from a free private violon lesson anytime next year and I really want this to work, I want to be able to say I suceeded in something and the thing I want this to be is the violon.

Has anyone ever played it? How hard can it get and how much time each day should I practice if I really want to be serious about it (without losing the fun aspect of it)? Somehow the thought of playing Sleepy Maggie in a nearby future excites me in ways nothing has ever excited me before (get your mind out of the gutter) and I want to make something out of it and not just another failure or lost hope like my plans of going in the infantry*.

*My plan for life was going into the army and fighting for my freedom and the freedom of my family but this dream was short lived, my asthma require me to see a doctor who will evaluate if I can live throught basic training. Chances are in the shape I am I will never be able to attain the degree of physical strenght needed.
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