So, I was sitting here pretending to do tech support, but actually thinking about the OS vs AMS problem lately. The biggest answer people give is "Well the OS takes 3 hours and the AMS has a 5 minute timer". So I did some math.
It turns out that in order for one side to deliver an OS every 5 minutes all day long there would need to be 36 (every 5 minutes for 3 hours) CR4+ on the cont. So on a poplocked cont that would be approx 1 in 4 soldiers. Now I don't know where to pull the specifics on how many players are CR4+ already, but that sounds at least like where we are already in the population.
Since according to the Emerald VS only has 4% of it's population certed in ground support, that means at absolute best there are 5 people on the poplocked cont who can pull an AMS. Now figure only maybe 3 of them actually are pulling them, and one of them will be intercepted by air cav halfway to wherever they are going every time, then theoretically there should be one AMS deployed on the cont somewhere at all times.
Now, whether or not it is where it is most needed is anybodies guess. The one most needed will be the one OSed, and the next one will be the one seen by air cav coming in for most cases. So the guy needed the least will be the one who survives
Food for thought......flame away