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Old 2005-03-03, 01:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
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My attempt at being funny

Haha my coach told everyone this joke today whom I thought was really funny. I�ma gonna try to repeat what he told (try).

The RoundTable:

Once in a place far away there was King Arthur and all of his knights. Now back in his day he would be strapped with a belt, one with a single hole in the front. He would get whipped or bitten on the dick by the queen.

Well the king brought all his knights over and said, �Boys, I�m tired of seeing my wife everyday, knowing that she�s seen all of you. I�m sick of it seeing my wife getting on her knee�s all the time. Now I have to know who here is loyal to me and not getting the pleasure that everyone else is getting. Drop your pants.�

Each knight looked around to each other wondering what this meant, so one by one each knight dropped their trousers revealing the cut and bruised wieners they have (hey my coach called em that). King Arthur went around inspecting each knight until he came to Sir Lancelot , who had so far the cleanest filth of all.

The king said, �Lancelot! My beloved knight, I knew you would always be loyal to me!�

Lancelot responded closed mouth, �Mmhmm.�

Hehe now I got some racist jokes, bear with me. (my school has only at the most 5 black people in it, I hear these jokes free willingly if from anybody also my coach). not race safe if u hate racism

Down a hill:

What do you call a bunch of white people running down a hill? Avalanche

What do you call a bunch of black people running down a hill? Mudslide

What do you call a bunch of Mexicans running down a hill? Jailbreak

Who�s driving:

In a car theres a black man and a Mexican, who�s driving the car? A cop.

Why do black people hate chainsaws? Because they go RuRuRUN-nigganigganigga

Why are black people so good at basketball? Because they know how to run, shoot, and steal.

Why are black people so tall? Because their knee-grows!

*edit*this one was too racist.

What do you call 3 Mexicans pushing a Cadillac up a hill? Grand Theft Auto.

Aight now for some gay jokes (no racism). Answer these!

Would you rather give head to a guy, or get shot in the face?

And finally, you know what confuses a gay guy? Yellow.
PS Storys:
The Eraser
The New World (5Chap.)

Living is easy with eyes closed.
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