Considering a return to PS. AdvMed? FlightModel?
I played PS during and a little after beta and then unsubbed for a while for a few reasons.
Since then, i've been keeping an eye on the game but would like to know about 2 things. I often played support roles, such as pilot, adv med, CE, things like that but I was kinda dissapointed with the flight model of the game and the adv medic at that time.
Has there been any changes about those? One of my main problems with the adv medic is that, whenever you wanted to revive someone, he had already clicked the respawn location so you could no longer revive them. Has this changed? Has the adv med become useful? are ppl actually using it now?
Also, about the Flight Model. When I joined PS, I was coming from simulation games but I knew I was expecting an arcadish FM and was used to arcadish FM in other games but was kinda let down at how excessivly arcadish/n00b proof it was :-). Comparing to Tribes2, I found the FM in T2 to be arcadish but at a good enough level so that when you were fighting a skilled pilot, you knew he could pull off some nice tricks and manoevers to get you off his 6. In PS, it was alot more basic than that. Your movements were very limited even such you couldnt even do the basic loops that you can usualy do in any games no matter how arcadish it was. In PS, alot of fighting was about who could turn faster than the other and if both were turning at the same speed, whoever got tired first were the one dying.
Well I expect that tactics would have changed since but about the FM, is there anything new now? Are we still as limited as it was when the game released? Is joystick support still as crappy? Can the planes still climb at 45+ degree angles with absolutly no influence on speed (same thing when you dive).
I would love to get back to this game but these 2 points were game killers for me. Do I still have to wait a couple of years? ;-)