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Old 2006-01-11, 08:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
PSU Admin
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Well here I am again after around 6 months of downtime I have decided to revive the site. I know, you're saying "Hamma, why don't you just give up" well I am just not the type of person to give up. I recently started playing PlanetSide again and ever since I closed PSU I have missed running it. It turns out I was not alone.

I got to talking to our evil coder Gryphon about the site and decided to bring her back to life. Much of what you see is almost exactly as we left it. We have updated some content but most was still valid so we decided to leave it. Below is a list of changes since the site went offline last year.
  • Patch Notes Section - Updated with the most recent notes, as well as the notes from the past year.
  • Files Section - Brought offline (More on that later)
  • Merit Commendation Information - Fired up new page with a short description of Merit Comms. Unfortunately it needs to be updated and we will do this in the near future.

How will we remain running this time you ask? Essentially PSU had a massive downloads section with almost 2GB of data, more than half the size of the entire site was used by downloads. We since decided that in order to keep the site running we need to run on a minimal downloads section so it has been closed for the time being.

During PSU's height we ran 3 servers, a web server, an IRC server, and a Shoutcast/Voice server. Now I am down to one server - a web server. This lowers the cost quite a bit and allows the site to continue running. Now, if it turns into another beast we may need to revisit the requirements..

The forums have all the old archived posts but they have been cleamed up a bit to make it a bit more streamlined. We have made some modifications to the user groups, permissions and we have cleared the banlist. As for moderation you can expect a laid back atmosphere as we just about always had here, abusers will be punished but there will be no nazi'ing threads spelling or content because we don't like how it looks. (Unless its objectionable) In short, we are starting with a clean slate - a whole new outlook on PSU.

So please feel free to start posting again - and welcome back to PlanetSide Universe!!

PlanetSide Universe - Administrator / Site Owner - Contact @ PSU
Hamma Time - Evil Ranting Admin - DragonWolves - Commanding Officer

Last edited by Ghryphen; 2006-01-13 at 03:25 PM.
Hamma is offline  
  PlanetSide Universe > General Forums > The Lounge



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