Help with Laptop Processor speed?
I got a new laptop for christmas. Fired up COD II on it and it ran like a crock of shit. The specs on the computer are relativly good...
3200+ 64 Bit Vince (SP) processor.. its not a mobile processor. I ran CPU-Z on it for electro... its a HP ZV6000... electros first imrpession was that it was crap... HP hasnt put out good products... untill now I guess. This Laptop has VERY good specs. It still needs a stick of ram but the processor is good. So I thought.
After running CPU-Z on it to see why it was running so slow it shows that the processor that is SUPPOSED to be 2ghz is 1 ghz. Its running at 997ish core speed... 5x multiplyer with a 200 HTT (donno what this is but rob says that times my multiplyer is my true core speed)... Its SUPPOSED to be double this, 400 fsb and 2ghz. Anyone wanna help me out?