I don't know how to express my gratitude for Buddy Key Exchange.
I've known about PlanetSide for a long time now, and have considered playing; the recurring fee turned me off, though.
Now, I've reconsidered my decision, and went to look for some trials-I remembered a 7-day trial, and a 30-day trial for Windows XP users. Alas, they have sinced passed. I found info on the Cannon Fodder program while lurking around on the official forums, but it wouldn't come into effect until a long time in the future. So, I guess I'll have to beg for buddy keys...
...until I found out about the whole Buddy Key Exchange thing here. Needless to say, I've registered, punched in the key, and am currently downloading the game to find out if I'll like it and if it'll run on this old hunk of junk(AXP 1800+, 512 MB DDR-266, 9600 XT).
Hopefully, if I really do find the game fun, I'll try to convince my friends to tag along too. SOE might even get some money from me.
Judging from my download timer, I'll be on the battlefield around 37 minutes from now. Then, I'll try to complete the apparently broken training and join an outfit...(speaking of outfits, what is the preferred voice chat program? I have TeamSpeak because there's an official Allegiance TS server and that it has an overlay to show who's talking.)
Props to those behind Buddy Key Exchange! Now, I just have to wait...